Renowned Kikuyu musicians Samuel Muchoki, known as Samidoh, and his counterpart Muigai Wa Njoroge entertained fans not only with their...
Kikuyu gospel artiste Muigai Wa Njoroge has a third 'wife'. The third baby mama only identified as Shiko on her social media platforms,...
Controversy surrounds Kikuyu gospel artiste, Muigai Wa Njoroge as reports emerge of his alleged infidelity towards his second wife, Queen...
Polygamy, a topic often steeped in cultural nuances, has become a focal point of discussion in the central part of Kenya, with notable...
Comedian Henry Desagu has stirred up a diverse online reaction by defending Muigai Wa Njoroge's decision to take in a second wife. In a...
Queen Stacey, the second wife of musician Muigai wa Njoroge, has broken her silence following the announcement of the departure of the...
Gladys Njeri, the first wife of controversial artiste Muigai Wa Njoroge, has left fans in disbelief after declaring her departure from...
Njeri, the first wife of controversial gospel singer Muigai wa Njoroge, has dropped a bombshell about their marriage, disclosing that...
Njeri, the first wife of renowned Kikuyu musician Muigai Wa Njoroge has disclosed the emotional turmoil she faced after her husband...
Renowned gospel singer Muigai Wa Njoroge's second wife, Queen Stacey, has found herself embroiled in a social media storm as she confronts...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...