After gripping Kenyans with shows like Pete, David Anguka is back again with a new show that is set to premiere in the coming days. An...
A journalist has sent out a financial plea to the public to enable her to pay her medical bill. Appie Matere, the Executive and Chief...
The entertainment industry in Kenya is mourning the death of legendary actor Gillie Owino. According to his family, the veteran actor...
Nairobi's hottest preacher, Reverend Lucy Natasha says she can’t wait to get married to someone who will help her serve the gospel...
Stori Yangu, an in-depth and intimate profile documentary show featuring celebrities, politicians and other prominent figures in the...
Maisha Magic East has announced the premiere of the award-winning investigative journalist John Allan Namu show Maisha Mkanda. The...
Comedian Daniel ‘Churchill’ Ndambuki is set to launch a new reality show to hunt for the best comedian in Kenya. The show dubbed...
Confusion has marred the much-awaited return of celebrated TV host Jeff Koinange to television. This is after Mr Koinange gave mixed...
Viewers across East Africa got a boost in their entertainment viewing after the much-acclaimed comedy show The Churchill Show made its...
M-NET has put on hold plans to shut down Maisha Magic in March and extended the viewing of the channel to the end of May this...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...