Enock Wamare Hosea, a Kenyan businessman known by the nickname 'Blacky,' has tragically passed away in South Africa under suspicious...
The mother of Maseno University student who was shot dead by police officers in Kisumu County during protests on Monday is crying for...
Roots Party presidential running mate in last year's General Election, Justina Wamae says leaders who have served in past administrations...
Former Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Prof George Magoha has joined Maseno University as Professor of Surgery at its...
Maseno University has been closed indefinitely following riots by students over alleged rape cases in and off campus. In a statement on...
Police on Sunday arrested nine suspects who are believed to be behind a series of robberies, gang raping and incidents of violence...
Online fury greeted a video that captured anti-riot police ordering Maseno University students to crawl on a rough road on Sunday during...
Police are investigating a road rage incident in which a man was beaten to death by matatu conductors in Nairobi. During the Christmas...
Maseno University staff were on Tuesday blocked from leaving their office for almost an hour after they refused to issue certificates to...
Student leaders in public universities have attributed the upsurge in crime among learners to limited accommodation facilities which forces...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...