Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu disclosed that due to ongoing floods, school reopening has been...
A Ministry of Education official “established” a ghost school and allocated it a total of Sh11.13 million meant for the Free Day...
The Public Service Commission (PSC) has announced 1,000 internship opportunities in the State Department for Basic Education. PSC on...
Kennedy Buhere, a senior Communications Officer at the Ministry of Education, on May 1, 2023, branded the issuing of holiday homework to...
The Ministry of Education has issued a new revised school academic calendar for 2023. In a circular to all education officials across the...
The Ministry of Education has released the official school calendar for 2023. Next year, the students will only have three terms after...
Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has hit out at parents over what he termed as 'poor bringing' of children in...
The government has allowed students who have completed their secondary school studies to travel back home including into the counties under...
Thousands of learners failed to show up in class when schools partially reopened last month, raising fears of massive dropouts caused by...
The Ministry of Education has finally released the 2021 academic calendar that will require all learners in primary and secondary schools...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...