Renowned socialite and former Nairobi Diaries actress Dorah Ojenge popularly known as Mishi Dorah, is off market. The sassy actress tied...
Former Nairobi Diaries actress Mishi Dora is rumored to be tying the knot today. The speculations have been fueled by an Instagram video...
A war of words has erupted between socialites Shakila and Mishi Dorah over "cockroaches" remarks the former made during an online...
Former Nairobi Diaries cast member Mishi Dorah is still languishing in jail, more than two weeks after she was charged in court for failure...
Sometime in April, actress Dianah Clara Ojenge, who also goes by the name Mishi Dorah, attracted the attention of netizens by sharing a...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...