Nana Owiti, the wife of rapper King Kaka, recently shared her intriguing journey as a landlady, opening up on an entertaining glimpse into...
Edday Nderitu has unfollowed her husband Samuel Muchoki alias Samidoh on Instagram. A simple check of Edday's Instagram by Nairobi News...
Rapper King Kaka’s wife Nana Owiti, has recounted the difficult moment she went through when her husband suffered a long illness between...
Media personality Nana Owiti has gushed over her nanny, saying she concurs with the saying that family goes beyond one's...
Television host and influencer Nana Owiti, the wife to Kenyan rapper King Kaka, born Kennedy Ombima, took to social media on October 16,...
Media personality Nana Owiti has publicly praised her husband for standing by her extended family in trying times. Nana, a famed TV...
Singer Kennedy Ombima alias King Kaka celebrated what he says is his latest milestone on social media while recalling a difficult time in...
King Kaka has revealed why he and his wife Nana Owiti do not follow each other on social media. The Wajinga Nyinyi hitmaker, born...
Rapper King Kaka’s wife Nana Owiti has advised ladies to cherish helping their men grow other than focusing on dating a finished...
TV presenter Nana Owiti and rapper husband King Kaka are fast becoming one of the most admired couples on the entertainment scene. The...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...