NTV has poached two seasoned journalists from Kenya Television Network (KTN). The two, namely Nicholas Wambua and Janet Chapia, who...
Kimani Mbugua, a multimedia journalist who has worked at Royal Media Services and Nation Media Group, has revealed that he underwent mental...
The Nation Media Group (NMG) has launched its ninth class of graduate trainees for the Media Lab (ML) programme in partnership with the Aga...
Carol Radull has told fanatics in the country to expect fun, games, and banter, as she prepares to make her debut at Nation Media Group...
The Nation Media Group was yesterday targeted in an attack by anonymous cyberbullies on Twitter. In the synchronized tweets that...
Foodies who love to try cuisines from different communities have a chance to taste some Indian and Chinese delicacies at the ongoing...
Two Nation Media Group journalists are nursing injuries in the wake of an attack by Ugandan police officers while covering demonstrations...
Nation Media Group is among the best 100 companies to work for in Kenya according to a new report by Brighter Monday that was released on...
I first met Ann Kamoni in 2014 at the Nation Media Group after being hired to work for the defunct Nairobi News newspaper. We became...
The suits were off as Nation Media Group staff donned cowboy hats, denim and boots and got down to party last Saturday. The staff Fun...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...