Police have interrogated Meru Governor Peter Munya’s employees following the disappearance of his firearm, 50 rounds of ammunition and...
Striking doctors will be required to show cause why starting this Wednesday, failure to which they will receive dismissal letters. This...
Governors have raised concerns over plans to set aside Sh72.7 billion for issues classified as national interests. The proposal has Sh13.6...
Meru governor Peter Munya was on Thursday elected chairman of the Council of Governors through consensus. Here are eight things to know...
Stakes are high ahead of the Council of Governors’ elections on Thursday, with three candidates expected to lock horns in the race for...
Comedian Dan Ndambuki, better known as Churchill, met with Meru Governor Peter Munya on Friday ahead of his show in Meru...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...