Renowned comedienne Elsa Majimbo recently opened up about a seldom occurrence of racism she faced while residing in the United...
Dr. Ahmed Ogwell, the Kenyan head of Africa's Center for Disease Control, took to social media on October 15, 2022, to claim that he had...
High-end Nairobi nightclub, The Alchemist, which has in recent days been at the centre of claims of racism, has announced that it will soon...
Kilamanjaro Restaurant has categorically denied claims made by one customer accusing the establishment racial discrimination. In a...
Italian striker Mario Balotelli has opened up to the possibility of playing in Africa in the near future, in a move he says will help him...
A Kenyan mural artist Allan Mwangi, also known as Mr Detail Seven, has painted a graffiti mural in Kibera to pay tribute to George Floyd,...
A 23-year-old black Kenyan woman who has been living with her white boyfriend’s parents in Canada during the lockdown has been left...
The Chinese Embassy in Kenya on Thursday evening told Kenyans to desist from using racists remarks towards Chinese nationals in reference...
Malian forward Moussa Marega has received support from major stakeholders and the online community after he walked off the pitch to protest...
Megan Rapinoe sent out a special dedication to her girlfriend after being crowned the world's best female footballer of 2019 during The...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...