Renowned Nollywood actor Amaechi Muonagor has passed away at the age of 61, leaving behind a legacy of memorable performances and beloved...
Renowned artist and Sol Generation member, Benson Mutua Muia, popularly known as Bensoul, has shared an emotional tribute to his late...
Media personality Sally Kwendo, who had gone missing from her Nairobi residence, has been discovered dead. The former Kenya Broadcasting...
East FM breakfast show host Aleem Manji is dead. The legendary radio presenter passed away on Sunday, November 11. The news was...
President William Ruto has led Kenyans in mourning the loss of renowned coast-based musician, Ali Khamisi Mwaliguli, popularly known as...
The Kenyan music industry is in shock following the untimely death of celebrated Mombasa-based artist, Ally B. According to...
Singer Suzanna Owiyo on Tuesday, August 15, announced her mom's passing. The Kisumu 100 hitmaker shared the heart-wrenching news of her...
The Kenyan entertainment industry mourns the loss of one of its shining stars, Dubai-based DJ Babu Robespierre, aka DJ Babu, who tragically...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...