Francis Amisi, known by his stage name Frasha and a member of the renowned Kenyan boy band P-Unit, is making a triumphant return to the...
In the entertainment scene, there are times when great singers come together to form bands that excel beyond their wildest imagination or...
Former Sol Generation signee and ODM nominated Senator Crystal Asige is set to captivate the hearts of hip-hop and R&B enthusiasts with...
Celebrating an illustrious two-decade-long journey, Sauti Sol, boy band, has announced an indefinite hiatus. The group, composed of...
Sauti Sol's Bien has shed light on how the renowned boy band is gearing up for their final performance together before embarking on a...
Sauti Sol producer and vocalist Savara Mudigi is giving a special coterie their flowers when they still can smell them. Mudigi is...
Sauti Sol's music producer and singer, Savara Mudigi, believes that out of their vast music catalog, it was the song "Sura Yako" that...
Sauti Sol, the renowned music group, has officially welcomed Analo Kanga to their Sol Generation record label. Analo, a...
Six Female East African artistes have been shortlisted for the Sol Generation Artists Development Programme aimed at equipping them with...
Sauti Sol's record label, Sol Generation, has unveiled an ambitious plan to empower and equip over 300 musicians from the region with the...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...