What is sex supposed to look like in a long-term relationship? Chances are if you're asking the question, your long-term relationship...
If I were to give any adult man or woman two pieces of advice they would be; Perfect your sex game, and ignore what society says about sex...
Have you heard couples that live together live room-mates? No intimacy, nothing? If this has been your story, you are in good...
When cheating happens in a relationship, the assumption is that the sex is bad. The partner on the receiving end of it is then tasked with...
A hotelier in Nairobi has been caught up in a "Bro Ocholla" moment after she posted toe-curling details of her sex life in a WhatsApp...
Sometimes the woes in your sex life come from without. Other times though, you are the cause of them. The sad thing is that you may not...
Couples who share housework equally have more sex, research has revealed. Cornell University Professor Sharon Sassler states in her new...
Living in today’s world where every woman is bombarded with different messages on what perfection should look and sound like, it is easy...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...