Victoria Rubadiri, the esteemed media personality, is bidding farewell to Citizen TV after an illustrious six-year tenure. Her departure...
Renowned TV journalist Victoria Rubadiri recently revealed the hidden gems behind her soaring career trajectory, emphasizing the pivotal...
Lights, camera, and a magical bond! In the dazzling world of television, there are certain celebrity pairings whose chemistry is simply...
First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto has led Kenyans in mourning the fallen Veteran journalist Catherine Kasavula. On behalf of the Head of the...
TV journalist Victoria Rubadiri will be missing from your TV screens for the next three months. The Citizen TV news anchor is headed to...
Citizen TV journalist Victoria Rubadiri has revealed her Covid-19 status after taking a test. This comes just days after a number of her...
Citizen TV news anchor Victoria Rubadiri has shared her struggles as she tried fitting into the society when she moved abroad and later...
Media personality Victoria Rubadiri said she had to give up the ‘typical single mother’ mentality when she became a mother at a young...
Citizen TV news anchor Jeff Koinange on Sunday night left his co-anchor Victoria Rubadiri speechless with a cheeky ‘threesome’ remark...
Former NTV news anchor Victoria Rubadiri has eulogized his grandfather Prof David Rubadiri, who died on Saturday after a long illness, with...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...