The Kenyan entertainment industry is in mourning following the death of Purity Wambui, the wife of veteran actor Matayo Keya, better known...
Nairobi News recently had an exclusive one-on-one interview with renowned TV comedian Nathan Muya Kimani, popularly known as JB Masanduku,...
A brother of the late Vioja Mahakamani actor Gibson Mbugua Gathu has recounted how the renowned actor spent his last days with him before...
The family of the late Gibson Mbugua Gathu released some lovely photos of their family as part of the memories they hold of their late...
Comedian Lijodi Kokoto, a former Vioja Mahakamani actor, has revealed that he almost committed suicide because of too much...
Vioja Mahakamani actor and gospel musician David Alliwah took to social media to announce the death of another of his...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...