The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Managing Director, Mr Samuel Maina, was especially mentioned during the burial ceremony of the late...
Veteran actress Mary Khavere Matindo, of the Mama Kayai fame in the long-running Kenyan TV show Vitimbi, is seeking an audience with...
Vioja Mahakamani actress Lucy Wangui, who is renowned for her role as the no nonsense judge in the popular TV courtroom drama, has revealed...
A brother of the late Vioja Mahakamani actor Gibson Mbugua Gathu has recounted how the renowned actor spent his last days with him before...
He was popularly renowned as Kiongozi wa Mashtaka, or Prosecutor, in the long-running Kenyan show, Vioja Mahakamani where he starred as the...
Gibson Mbugua Gathu, the late ‘Prosecutor/Kiongozi wa mashtaka’ actor in the long-running Kenyan TV show Vioja Mahakamani, will be...
The family of the late Gibson Mbugua Gathu released some lovely photos of their family as part of the memories they hold of their late...
Vioja Mahakamani actor Alliwah has eulogized his colleague in the long-running TV show, Gibson Mbugua Gathu, who died on Thursday...
Legendary Kenyan actor, Gibson Gathu Mbugua, known for his role as ‘Kiongozi wa Mashtaka’ (the prosecutor) in the long running KBC...
Comedian Lawrence Gwako, who is known by the stage name Lijodi Kokoto, has made a passionate appeal for financial support to enable him...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...