Renowned singer Willy Paul has taken to social media to address a disturbing incident involving armed individuals allegedly sent to his...
Singer Weezdom says the Kenyan entertainment industry needs to pluck a page from the Tanzanian showbiz booklet if its players want to...
Gospel singer Daddy Owen and Willy Paul have become a trending topic on Twitter after a fan posed a simple, yet...
Secular singer Wilson Radido, popularly known as Willy Paul, has called on President William Ruto to keep his promise of "an office job"...
Despite the relatively quiet PlayKe music campaign, Afrobeats continues to reign supreme on the charts in Kenya. Recent data reveals...
Coke Studio's recent announcement of Kenyan artists Khaligraph Jones and Nikita Kering' as representatives for this season has stirred up a...
Amidst the aftermath of her breakup with controversial musician Willy Paul, Miss P, who now goes by the name Irawamb, has turned to her...
We are living in an economy that greatly demands one to have multiple streams of income else you risk barely making ends meet. The tides...
Kenyan singer and songwriter Juliet Miriam Ayub alias Jovial recently surprised her social media followers by introducing her new partner...
Former Willy Paul signee Miss P has publicly apologised to Saldido Records CEO Willy Paul for falsely accusing him of sexual assault. In...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...