There’s no shame in crying, Willis Raburu advises men
Citizen TV presenter Willis Raburu has opened up on the death of his daughter Adana after his wife suffered a stillbirth.
Raburu says no day passes without him thinking about her.
The 10 over 10 host added that every time he talks about her, he gets very emotional.
“It was a very trying time and talking about it sometimes makes me very emotional so I try not to, but you are advised to,” he said.
Speaking to MC Jessy on his YouTube channel Jessy Junction, Willis said it was a difficult time for him and his wife Marya Prude.
“All I can say is that so many people came out and laughed at us saying very many bad things. But for me, that’s when you get to know your friends. That happened to us. It’s something I think about every day,” said Willis.
He added that most people don’t understand the kind of challenges one goes through after experiencing such a loss.
“It is very difficult. I don’t think people understand what that kind of loss does to you because I don’t think there’s any day yenye inapita that I don’t get affected,” he said.
“There’s a day when we had the Covid scare we went to Nairobi Hospital where it happened. The mass testing was happening and as I was being tested all those things came back to me, where I was parked, what I was doing and then I got emotional… all those memories came rushing back and I broke down completely sobbing and everybody was like what is happening to Willis? But that is why it is important to continue to go for therapy.”
He advised people, mainly men, who are going through grief to cry even if it means while hiding.
“Lia lia sana if you don’t hata usilie mbele ya watu but you need to go for therapy, also have close friends around you, Friends who you can share with without judgement,’’ he advised.