Tobiko hits ground running with tree planting campaign in city’s outskirts
Environment Cabinet Secretary Keriako Tobiko has taken the tree planting drive to Kajiado county as part of a campaign to increase forest cover to 10% by the year 2022.
The nationwide campaign involves each county planting a minimum of a million tree seedlings every year for the next four years to ensure the target is met.

Mr Tobiko targeted education institutions in his tour that saw him visit seven schools in Kajiado East and Kajiado Central constituencies and planting more than 7000 tree seedlings.
The drive targeted schools in Ongata Rongai, Nkoroi, Ngong town and Embul Bul.
Kajiado is among the worst affected counties by deforestation, contributed in part by Nairobi’s expanding real estate industry.

Deputy President William Ruto and Mr Tobiko recently gave instructions for the sacking of forest officers for abetting forest destruction and logging.
The Ministry of Environment has also gazetted a taskforce to look into resource management and ongoing activities in the Kenya’s major forests.

Mr Tobiko said the taskforce will investigate and prepare a detailed report with recommendations to address illegal activities in forests in 14 days.