Nairobi News


TUK pushes forward reporting dates for first year students

Technical University of Kenya (TUK) has pushed forward the reporting of first year students.

Registrar of academic at the University Dr Hesbon Nyagowa said the students will now report on Monday next week (August 28).

“Consequently, orientation programme has been amended to start on August 28. Early registration is still ongoing until Friday August 25,” said Dr Nyagowa.

He went on: “Prospective students who applied for admission but have not received any feedback are advised to wait for communication that will be sent to them starting next week.”

Last week, Vice-chancellors Committee meeting at TUK chaired by Prof Francis Aduol resolved to push forward the re-opening date to Monday.

Universities closed early this month in order to allow students and staff to participate in the August 8 polls and most of them had scheduled re-opening on August 18.

However, the Ministry of Education pushed it to August 21.