Twitter reacts to Uhuru’s statement on Chris Msando’s murder
Twitterville on Tuesday went ham on President Uhuru Kenyatta after he issued a statement on the brutal murder of IEBC ICT manager Chris Msando.
The President had tweeted, “We are all deeply shocked and saddened by the murder of Chris Msando and Caro Ngumbu.”
The statement was part of his message in whih he urged Kenyans to allow investigating agencies to work and ensure the killers are brought to book.
Kenyans online reacted to the President’s tweet stating;
Leo ndio umekuwa deeply shocked?
— Major R (@_fels1) August 1, 2017
Our Prezo @UKenyatta sio kama wewe na bundles Mwitu zako, He has to be briefed of what to say first.
— IthatuHehu (@Mashaa254) August 1, 2017
Waiting…. 8/8. You haven’t been deeply shocked yet
— Nick_Ouma (@NicholasOuma) August 1, 2017
The sadness is setting in now? Since yesterday??
— Atieno Okeyo (@Atis_Okeyo) August 1, 2017
Since yesterday when the news were broken till now???Really?This is a sick joke!!
— Masai M.Benson (@MasaiMBenson) August 1, 2017
Leo ndio umejua ?
— Erick Conte JT26 (@CaptainErickoh) August 1, 2017
Your Excellency ! We all expected this message yesterday, owing to the fact that Chris Msando was a senior and key person in the elections.
— Taton (@BelovedMeriT) August 1, 2017
We are deeply shocked you realized Chris Musando was killed after more than 24 hours which KENYA do you reside in.
— ?Basil shuisk!!?⭕❄ (@BasilShuiski) August 1, 2017
Which country are you leading, where people are murdered everyday
— Obura (@Obura4) August 1, 2017
I respect @UKenyatta bcoz he waited for the lady to be recognised and so he can talk abt the murders
— Willy Walla (@wallaone175) August 1, 2017
U mean saa hii ndio umepata hii tarifa?m deeply shocked that u have just realized now..
— coleter kims (@ColeterK) August 1, 2017
Sadly this is a JOKE.Honestly I doubt you care about watu wa kawaida
— Steve Karanja (@karanjast70) August 1, 2017
Greetings Mr. President did it occur to you today that we’d lost Chris, Were you too busy campaigning nothing else mattered?KE LIVES MATTER
— Marty (@muchumamartyn) August 1, 2017
How many hours later? Have you just learnt about it or just doing it for PR. You are not even talking about investigations. Justice?
— Stanley Macharia (@stamasha) August 1, 2017