Uhuru abandons motorcade, walks to Treasury for meeting – PHOTOS
President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday walked from his Harambee House office to Treasury building to attend a meeting.
All vehicular traffic was blocked on both sides of Harambee Avenue during President Kenyatta’s short walk.
The president even stopped to greet other pedestrians on his way to Treasury.
He was accompanied by his spokesman Manoah Esipisu, his chief of staff and head of civil service Joseph Kinyua.
Photos of the president’s stroll were shared by his press team, attracting thousands of comments online.

Kenyans had this to say online.
Everlyn Njeruh wrote; “Awwww what an humble president…One of the many reasons God wants you to lead this country.”
Jose Dot Mali Ya Mungu retorted; “This is not news!! Last month,Indonesian President Widodo walked to an event after being stuck in major traffic jam. He walked several km in scorching heat after his motorcade got stuck in traffic jam. I’m not surprised coz the distance between Harambee House and Treasury is less than 500m.”
Rose Nyahutha wrote; “Well done Mr. President for continually debunking the Presidency. Leaders should walk an mingle with electorate. However, on your last term pliz completely term corruption coz at the end of the day, everyone says your govt is corrupt even when a junior clerk embezzles funds or asks for hongo.”

David Ndile N commented; “We walk everyday na we don’t post it here. Some stupid people will be here shouting ati our ‘president ‘ is humble.”
Kings Daughter wrote; “I wish i met you on your walk, bana you are such a blessing to our nation Kenya though many does not see God bless and protect you always.”
Olive Wamah commented; “Stupid post. How is this helping us Kenyans when lecturers are on strike???? How is ur way to plan how to rob our taxes helping us? Think twice.”
Kibocha Dwelpha Jack wrote; “That’s to show you that it’s God that protects him. The rest are just doing what they are paid for. He fears only God no other. That way he walks freely.”