Uhuru appoints military boss to chair team overseeing jubilee projects
Chief of Defense Forces Samson Mwathethe has been appointed to chair the Blue Economy implementation Committee by President Uhuru Kenyatta.
His appointment appeared in the latest Kenya Gazette notice.
“The eight member Committee will be mandated with co-coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the prioritized programmes and submit monthly reports to the President on the progress of implementation,” Chief of Staff and Head of the Public Service Joseph Kinyua said.
The committee shall remain in office for six months, subject to extension.
Others who were named in the team are, Principal Secretaries in the State Department for Fisheries, the PS at the State Department for Environment, State Department for Maritime and Shipping Affairs, and National Treasury, State Department for Transport.
Senior Advisor, International Relations and Social Sector, Executive Office of the President Ruth Kagia; Economic Advisor, Executive Office of the President, Dr Eric Aligula and Secretary, Kenya International Boundaries Office, Juster Nkoroi, will make up the committee team.
The Committee Secretariat will be based at the President’s Office in Harambee House