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Uhuru: The world will not end if you don’t vote for me – VIDEO

President Uhuru Kenyatta has dared voters from the perceived opposition stronghold of Turkana County not to vote for him if they so wished.

Speaking at a public function in Turkana County on Wednesday, where he publicly exchanged bitter words with Governor Josephat Nanok, the president also rubbished claims that his government has allocated Turkana county insufficient funds.



“If you keep listening to none issues, you’ll be the losers, not me. We, like the others, will come asking for your votes, but whether or not you vote for us, will that be the end of the world?” president Kenyatta posed.

Mr Nanok had earlier on held a press conference at Capitol Hill in Nairobi, together with opposition leader Raila Odinga, where he said it was wrong for the president to scale down the sharing formula from 10 to five per cent for the people where the oil is.

However, Mr Kenyatta defended his government saying his role is not to pass the law and that he only signs into law what Parliament has passed.