Nairobi News


Undercover protection: 7 tips for men to safeguard their family jewels

Men’s family jewels, officially known as testicles, are two of the most important parts of their human anatomy. These small, sensitive organs are critical for producing hormones and sperm, making them essential for male fertility and sexual function. Beyond their physiological significance, the testicles also hold symbolic value such as representing masculinity, virility and even vulnerability.

While many men go about their days safeguarding these jewels, there are others who continue to be nonchalant about protecting them. According to a 2016 study conducted by the Urology Care Foundation, most ‘family jewel’ injuries occur among males who play contact sports without the proper gear to protect them. The most common types of injury, then, are scrotal contusion, hematoma testicular contusion and testicular fracture which needs emergency surgery.

Additionally, other causes for injuries include accidents- especially those to do with bicycles and motorcycles, blunt force trauma by blunt object include being kicked in the jewels and squeezing them against the hard bones of the pelvis.

How then, can males protect their family jewels without being too obvious about it?

  1. They can wear protective clothing and gear when engaging in contact sports or activities that may involve the areas surrounding their jewels. Alternatively, they can avoid some of these risky sports and activities altogether.
  2. They should constantly and actively be wary of their surroundings and potential hazards such as sharp objects and rough surfaces. This can prevent accidental injuries such as slipping off a bike seat and onto the frame/top tube.
  3. They can chose supportive underwear and clothing that ‘keep things locked in’ comfortably and provides adequate coverage. However, avoid tight clothing because they will increase temperatures around the jewels and this will affect sperm production and increase risk of injury.
  4. They can privately conduct self examinations following guidance from a medical practitioner for any abnormalities or changes in their jewels’ shape and size to detect any issue before they worsen.
  5. As managing weight and physique is common to many, males can monitor their weight and maintain it at healthy levels. Excessive weight increases the risk of injury to the family jewels.
  6. They can also practice safe sex. Not all intimate sessions should be necessarily exciting or vigorous, therefore increasing chances of injuries occuring. As the Swahili saying goes, mwenda pole hajikwai (He who walks slowly will not stumble). Slow and steady is often the best bet.
  7. Still on matters intimacy, males should also practice safe sex. STIs affect the jewels so protection is a must- even if you have to pause and run to the shop to buy a packet.

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