VIDEO: KOT respond to ‘Doctored Evil’ documentary
Doctored Evil, a heart wrenching documentary aired on NTV shows how George Mbugua, the owner of Sipili Maternity and Nursing home in Laikipia, has been sexually harassing female patients in the hospital.
In the interview, two ladies who were admitted at the facility admit how the doctor used to sexually abuse them while telling them to do the unthinkable.
George whose license of practicing expired in 2020, has been operating still while milking the residents of Sipili off their money despite the facility accepting NHIF payments.
Trauma, anger and pain engrave the female patients and workers who have been subjected to George’s unfathomable deeds.
Additionally, known of getting away with anything, the police in Ng’arua police station do not help victims who come forth to report.
The undercover investigative piece, has set tongues wagging on Twitter with Kenyans expressing their discontent in the manner the facility operates.
If my sister went through these horrors, I would personally kill the so called George and burn that Sipili hospital. #doctoredevil
— Njuguna wa Muchiri ?? (@Instructor_254) February 23, 2022
Is Sipili Maternity and Nursing Home still an operational medical facility or a brothel that is charged on NHIF?
George should be behind bars as this dossier is being aired. #DoctoredEvil
— Nyabuti ™ (@bnyabuti) February 23, 2022
This is very sad an inhumane. This quack doctor who should be jailed for life in a deserted dark island @ntvkenya @NginaKirori #DoctoredEvil
— Hillary Madiavale Busisa ?? (@BusisaHillary) February 23, 2022
As Young Nurse Leader, I am sorrowed with hineous acts of George and spouse. He is a disgrace the profession and misrepresents our values, philosophy oath of practice. As such, this criminal should be arrested as charged. My sincere apologies to the affected. #doctoredevil
— Ngalula Wanyonyi, BScN, RN (@NgalulaDonald) February 23, 2022
Sickening when one George, a purported doctor in Laikipia sexually assaults female patients.
Did you know that sexual assault is a criminal offense punishable by law under the Sexual Offenses Act?
— Dignified Dignity© (@Model_Nicky) February 23, 2022
Oh my goodness ??!!!
What manner of wickedness is this!!!??There is no justification for acts of injustice!
This is impunity of the highest order!You go to hospital seeking help but leave shamed,abused if not dead!#doctoredevil @LaikipiaCountyG @DCI_Kenya @KenyaMedics_KMA— Beryl Wagaa Andere (@beryl_wagaa) February 23, 2022
#DoctoredEvil is a clear reflection of moral decay in our society..From
Politicians looting from taxpayers
Pastors conning their followers
and now this sensitive sector!! I think Dunia imepasuka mahali!! And that guy is a psychopath!— kenneth mwiti (@kennetnmwiti) February 23, 2022
#DoctoredEvil on @ntvkenya . We have to begin talking about hanging sexual predators. That "Amina" lady was totally terrified. That hospital should be shutdown my question is why is it Media always finds this story before @DCI_Kenya. Those medics are covering up Arrest them
— Alex Mayore ?? (@Aleckeei) February 23, 2022
How did this facility licenced to run & offer medical services? Shame on Ministry of Health as this happens in the 21st century.#DoctoredEvil
— CHEPLONG Tim. (@DiCheplong) February 23, 2022