Watch moment boda boda goons attack motorist along uhuru highway
The Boda Boda Association of Kenya has condemned an incident where a number of riders were captured on camera breaking the window of a vehicle and assaulting a motorist along Uhuru Highway.
At the same time, Safe Boda, a motorbike-hailing company, has promised to investigate the matter as the attacker wore a reflector jacket and helmet with their logo.
“This is extremely unfortunate and absolutely unacceptable by riders who are an extension of the SafeBoda ethos & values. We will follow up with the individuals on the video – thanks to the numbered helmets. Our sincere apologies for this disturbing turn of event,” tweeted Safe Boda.
The association has promised to investigate the incident and hand over a report to the police. The riders cornered the hapless motorist driving a van, demanding for him to disembark from the vehicle.
“Our attention has been brought to this clip with some hooligans in the pretence of bodaboda operators assaulting unidentified person. We promise to commence investigation, the culprits will be handed to @NPSOfficial_KE for action. We apologize to the vehicle owner @KenyanTraffic. As an organization which is working hard to ensure our well behaved members are respected, we won’t allow gangs to be part of us.. We want to work hand in hand with police and other agencies to instill discipline in the sector. No one is allowed to take law into his hands this type of behaviour has been overtaken by time… We sincerely apologize to all members of the public for the incidence,” tweeted Boda Boda Association.
When the driver refuses to heed to their demands, one of them smashes the driver’s window with a stone.
The riders took advantage of the traffic snarl up at the road to launch the assault. The person who recorded the incident said the motorist had hit a rider and fled the scene.
Never mess with nduthi guys..
— Will.I.Am (@Namuks) October 25, 2019
The short video evoked various opinions from Kenyans online and this is what they had to say:
“This is how civility must be allowed to reign. Let the bodaboda association have those thugs arrested and charged with all offences available in our laws. Law and order must prevail,” said @kellyinyani.
“Begin with identifiable saccos which are fined when such things occur so that they can discipline their members just like ma3s. Also need to display their names on their jackets. We need legislation on this & @HonMoses_Kuria was very passionate abt their insurance requirements,” wrote @Livebird_KE.
“Because of this clip you are now awakened? Where have you been all this time? These bodabodas are a hazard,” commented @Crose_89.
“Some of them they don’t even have licence furthermore they don’t follow traffic rules and to make the matter worse police know abt it,” stated @martin_mudoga.
“This is just publicity coz when you pretence and they’re in City centre I wonder how thugs are pretending to be bodaboda. Just accept your business have been controlled by thugs who are masquerading in the name of bodas no wonder mnafukuzwa city centre,” said @kimfrank.