Strange names for places with ‘sexual’ connotation
If you thought that Kenya had weird and funny names for places, then you haven’t heard of the most ridiculous names around the world that otherwise have different meaning in sexual context.
Here are different places in the world with names that have strange sexual connotations:
Kumamoto – Swahili speakers will definitely this a cheeky – if not revolting – choice of a name, but Kumamoto is the capital city of Kumamoto Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, Japan.
Fucking – is an Austrian village in the municipality of Tarsdof in the Innviertel region of western Upper Austria. The village is 33 km north of Salzburg, 4km east of the German border. Interestingly, the signs of this village are stolen more often than our very own Thika road signs.
Climax – The name is popular and it can be found in different countries or states in America. Climax can be found in Georgia State, Michigan County. You will also find climax in Canada and in North Carolina.
Rape – This is the traditional term for a subdivision of the county of Sussex, in England.
Bitche – This is a French town located near the German border.
Condom – Another French town.
Erect – You will find Erect town in North Carolina.
Bra – You will find bra city in Italy.
Blow me down – It’s a small provincial park in Newfoundland, in Canada.