Nairobi News


Funniest memes on Will Smith’s ‘no-nonsense parenting’

Kenyans are using a photo of American actor Will Smith and his children Willow and Jaden in viral memes on non-nonsense parenting.

The photo depicts Smith’s two children with forlorn looks as their father gives what looks like a dress down complete with hand gestures.

The reality however is that it was an excerpt from the Smith Family vacation vlog in August 2018 at Lipari Island, Italy during which the family was undergoing some basic scuba diving training and the father was reassuring his children on how everything would be fine.

Many Kenyan and African parents will however relate with the photo as it’s common to have such a setup of parents lecturing their kids in such a manner.

Here are some of the memes that Kenyans on Twitter shared which perfectly paint the different scenarios that would force an African parent to dress down his children: