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Wine and fruit are the new Viagra, study says


Findings of an interesting new scientific study reveal what could be the end of thousands of shillings spent by both men and women buying Viagra. Apparently, the cure for impotence is cheap and can be found at your local supermarket.

Apparently, red wine, tea, berries and fruits are enough cure for impotence. This is because they are rich in flavonoids which effectively fight impotence. Their effects were found to be the same as those of five hours of brisk walking every week. In fact, an addition of these foods to your diet was found to be as effective as taking the blue pill.

This is according to research by scientists from Harvard University. For the study, they tracked the health of over 50,000 middle aged men making a data entry of their health status every four years. While more than one third of the study subjects reported suffering from erectile dysfunction, those who were on a flavonoid rich diet were found to be significantly less likely to suffer from it.


They found that flavonoids found in cherries, blackberries, blackcurrants, radishes, blueberries and citrus fruits reduce impotence levels by up to 14 percent. If you combine this flavonoid rich diet with some walking, the researchers found that it lowers impotence levels by a whopping 21 percent.

“The great thing about this study is that the benefits for reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction can be found by including a few portions of fruits that people already eat,” says lead researcher professor Aedin Cassidy.

In addition to improving the sexual health of middle aged men, a flavonoids rich diet was also found to significantly improve their heart health.