Woman dies in church as pastor tries to perform a miracle
A young woman lost her life in church after a failed a attempt by her pastor to perform a miracle to demonstrate God’s power.
Media reports indicate that the South African pastor had attempted to perform a ‘miracle’ placing a giant speaker on top of the woman.
But the miracle never happened, and instead the young woman died from internal injuries she sustained from the heavy speaker.
The incident happened at the Congregates of the Mount Zion General Assembly in Polokwane, South Africa’s Limpopo province.
The pastor, Lethebo Rabalango, had invited a member of the praise and worship choir to the altar and asked her to lie down.
He then ordered ushers to carry a heavy speaker and lay it on her stomach saying the weight would not harm her. He even sat on top of the speaker.
The girl remained quiet throughout the incident.
Efforts to revive her at the scene did not work, was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.