Sex-starved woman evokes wrath of the public for evicting husband
Nyamira residents Thursday thwarted attempts by a woman to evict her husband from their marital home over bedroom affairs.
Rose Nyanduko who jointly owns a business premise with her husband allegedly tried to evict him out of their house claiming he was not fulfilling her conjugal rights.
This, according to the concerned husband, evoked the wrath of angry residents who stormed the home which is in the outskirts of Nyamira town in a bid to discipline the errant woman. The woman, however, managed to escape with the angry mob baying for her blood.
Speaking to journalists at his home, Mr. Walter Osumo alleged that his wife of ten years locked him out of his house for more than three months over slight misunderstanding between them.
He had to spend nights in the corridors and sometimes away from home or at funeral places.
Osumo said the situation deteriorated when his wife ordered their child to lock him out when he came home late three weeks ago.
He said he has also been going without meals, something that forced him to seek refuge in the latrine where he has called home for this period.
“I had to put up a ‘kitchen’ in the latrine since I could not access my house and no food was prepared for me,” Osuma said.
He added that the woman took over the property they had jointly accumulated over time making it difficult for him to access his business.
He also accused his wife of selling most of his properties without his knowledge including his motorbike which he thought had been stolen from his house.
However, the residents have criticized the incident with a demand that the woman be reprimanded since her actions are against the will of God and against the traditions of the Kisii community.