Simple tweet reveals some of the ‘worst’ things women have done to men
A question by one man to women on Twitter about the worst things that they have ever done to men has elicited hilarious if not outrageous responses.
@Tokyo_Trev’s tweet posted on Monday morning has so far received over 200 replies and 300 retweets with users sharing their experiences.
Some users who replied on the thread accused women of being in human based on the stories they had narrated.
Ladies, what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to a guy. Don’t scroll past, this is a safe place
— Trev (@Tokyo_Trev) May 15, 2017
@Tokyo_Trev He cheated on me, then I went on his Uni portal to deregister him, he had to go back to his mom for the rest of that semester.
— Nozipho (@Cecez_Daughter) May 15, 2017
@Tokyo_Trev He cheated on me (mind I remind you he was my 1st everything), I formatted his other pc with all his beats and smashed his MacBook in half ?
— Bunny ? (@UnatiBunny) May 15, 2017
@Tokyo_Trev I lied to someone I was in Nai, he travelled all the way from Nakuru to See Me, yet my ass was in karatina looking at his missed calls like
— Gorgeous Gangsta♣️ (@_Marsha_k) May 15, 2017
@Tokyo_Trev Had his obituary posted in the newspaper. He wasn’t dead
— Vixèn Chröniclès (@Besai_) May 15, 2017
@Tokyo_Trev Aunt pretended to get back together with her ex husb and moved back in with him then she took all the furniture 1 day while he was at work.
— Palesa Mothiba (@mothibz) May 15, 2017
@Tokyo_Trev Sent money to my friends phone while he was sleeping. Accompanied him to the bank the next day to find out what happened to his money ???
— AUTOPHILE (@mbali_mashiyane) May 15, 2017
@Tokyo_Trev He decided to dump me. I asked to see him the next day. I initiated “make up sex”, stopped halfway through the sex and I dumped HIM.
— Beast. (@Bvvtile) May 15, 2017
@Tokyo_Trev He was dating 3 of us. I borrowed his phone one day and sent pictures of himself and the third girl to his main.
— ?mommy? (@LXXNDO) May 15, 2017
Serves him right for abusing a lady
— Trev (@Tokyo_Trev) May 15, 2017