You’ll be able to pay permits and parking fees online
You will now be able to pay parking fee, access business and building permits online. This is after the county government introduces an automated system that will integrate all county services to make them faster and efficient.
Those with issues to be resolved will reach the county authorities through a web portal which will be opened to encourage public participation. Residents will also be able to make applications and submit them online without having to go to the county offices.
According to the Deputy Governor, Jonathan Mweke, the county will automate, parking services, health care services, asset management, licensing, human resource, procurement and central financial management.
Mweke said the county government had already digitized services in Pumwani Maternity Hospital to help patients access documents online as part of the ICT transformation project.
“The county is more interested in public feedback through the web portal, which will enable us to meet the needs of Nairobians,” he told NairobiNews in an interview.
Mweke said the county government is working with the Central government’s ICT department to ensure the county is on the forefront in development issues.
He said, the ICT project will see Nairobi become a world class and modern ground to attract investors.
The system will be in charge of the traffic controls in the city controlled by a central control room.
“We have installed CCTV cameras and traffic lights that will help in reducing insecurity in the county,” he said.