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Back to Maandamano! Raila declares

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party leader Raila Odinga now says anti-government protests will resume after Ramadhan even with negotiations with the government expected to take off.

The Opposition leader said the coalition supports ongoing talks but will hold demos as dialogue proceeds.

“Mazungumzo iendelee na maandamano sambamba, dawa ya moto ni moto, (Let the talks with protests be held side by side)” said Raila.

He spoke during a meeting with members of the civil society in Nairobi and also accused President William Ruto’s government of rigging the elections.

“The soaring cost of living, occasioned by stealing elections and lying to the people during the campaigns must be reigned in. They (the government) had no other plan other than theft and more lies,” said Raila.

Mr Odinga spoke on the day Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna, who is part of the Azimio team selected for dialogue with the government side, threatened not to attend the talks if discussing the cost of living will not be on the agenda.

The Azimio dialogue team has also decried the inclusion of Eldas MP Aden Keynan as part of the Kenya Kwanza team, demanding he be dropped.

Keynan was elected on a Jubilee Party ticket and his appointment to represent President William Ruto- led Kenya Kwanza has been received with much criticism.

Other members of the Opposition team include Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina and Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua.

Others are MPs Otiende Amollo (Rarieda), David P’Kosing (Pokot South), Millie Odhiambo (Suba North), and Amina Mnyanzi (Malindi).

On the Kenya Kwanza side, negotiators are Bonny Khalwale (Senator, Kakamega), George Murugara (MP, Tharaka), Essy Okenyuri (Senator) and Mwengi Mutuse (MP, Kibwezi West).

Lydia Haika (Women Rep. Taita Taveta), Hillary Sigei (Senator, Bomet) and Adan Keynan (MP, Eldas) are also members of the team

The two teams will hold talks on the reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission selection panel.

Mr Odinga has also demanded the talks to include remedies on high cost of living and opening of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commision (IEBC) servers to supposedly determine who won the August 2022 presidential election.

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