A new Mau Mau love-themed film titled Wamaitha begins screening this weekend at Eugenia Park, Nairobi. Set against the backdrop of the Mau...
Much like Rihanna has Fenty Beauty and Kylie Jenner has Kylie Cosmetics, Phoina Wambui, popularly known as Phoina, has Phoina Beauty....
Socialite Risper Faith, a reality TV star, has opened up about her journey to fame - from faking her lifestyle to embracing her true...
Legendary Burundian-Kenya based musician, Jean-Pierre 'Kidum kibido' Nimbona, says he does not regret having many children, albeit with...
Singer Joseph Mwaura Mutoria, popularly known as Mutoriah, has commenced legal proceedings against content creator and actress Karanja...
When Universal Music Group East Africa (UMG EA), a division of one of the world's biggest music labels - Universal Music Group - announced...
Renowned Kenyan music producers Teddy B and Ihaji have signed copyright management agreements with IP Advisory and Management Services Ltd...
The body of actress Winnie Bwire Ndubi, best known for her role in the TV drama Sultana, arrived in Mombasa on Sunday, September 8,...
Songwriter and singer, Ali Yusuf, better known as Arrow Bwoy, says contrary to some public opinion, he is not intimidated by his...
Legendary rapper and record producer, Paul Julius Nunda, known by his stage name, Jua Cali, has opened up on why he has never been involved...
Popular Tanzanian TikTok user Seif Kisauji Salim aka Babu Wa TikTok has been fined Tsh5 million (Ksh235,0000) for sharing immoral content...
The Copyright Tribunal has nullified the Kenya Copyright Board's (KECOBO) decision to license the Performing and Audio-Visual Rights...
The entertainment industry is mourning the loss of Sultana actress Winnie Bwire, who passed away on September 5, 2024, while undergoing...
Talented Sultana actress Winnie Ndubi Bwire alias 'Dida' has passed away after a long battle with cancer. Her family announced her death...
Madeline, the ex-girlfriend of Bongo star Ali Kiba, has revealed the surprising impact that going public with their past relationship has...
After a family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz...
Soulmates Eric and Shelly are brutally murdered when the...
When tech billionaire Slater King meets cocktail waitress...
As Halloween draws near, In celebration of the popular cult...
This is a historical action-packed love story film, set...