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KOT demand for Moi Day arrears from state

Kenyans online are demanding for their Moi Day arrears from government after High Court Judge George Odunga ruled that it is still a holiday.

Since 2010, Kenyans have been celebrating only Mashujaa Day. The new constitution does not recognise Moi Day and Kenyatta Day as public holidays.

On Twitter, users joked how they needed a whole week to compensate for their lost holidays.

The judge on Wednesday said that the Parliament needs to amend the law, failure to which October 10 will continue being a public holiday.

“Unless Parliament amends Schedule 1 of the Public Holidays Act or the minister substitutes the same for another date, October 10 in each year shall continue being a public holiday,” judge Odunga said.

Kenyans online had this to say about their “lost holidays.”