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Shiksha Arora: No amount of money can make me want to market condom brands

Some call her the dancing TV news anchor. Others call her an influencer while some simply refer to her as a content creator.

Shiksha Arora doesn’t seem to disagree with any of that. I do all these things because of passion. Passion makes the world go round, makes an individual do crazy things: climb mountains and trees. If you are passionate about something no matter how hard it is or it may seem, you will make it happen. Somehow, you will figure out a way to do it.

We live in a day and age where, the more you multitask, the more you increase your chances of being successful. Condom brands are the one kind of clients I wouldn’t work with.

As much as I believe in safe sex, it does clash with my personality of being a news anchor. Even if the deal is too good, Sh10 million or more, I still wouldn’t do it. I don’t think I can do it; honestly speaking. As for betting brands, I can think about it because I feel like there is a grey area around it.

But on the top of my mind, condom sitaki. In the world of influencing, you have to be very loyal with brands if you want to increase your worth hence more money. You need to have respect for a brand. If today I stop working with a brand and immediately its competitor tables me an offer, I won’t take it.

At least give yourself some grace period. If you start taking every brand which are competitors, you will definitely lose value.

Your audience and the brands aren’t stupid. They will know you are doing it for the money. You can’t be trusted; you are a con. No, I don’t do wigs but I can sell them. If a brand wants to engage me, please I’m open. My long hair is all natural.

For the four years I have been doing influencing gigs, I have never pitched for deals. Brands come to me. But now I am starting to feel the pressure with everybody wanting to be a content creator. I guess it’s time I start knocking on those doors for work. There is no shame in that. My most expensive habit is buying designer bags.

You know how they say ‘the more bags you have the more money you have to fill in them? I have more than 50 purses. The most I have spent on a designer bag is Sh100,000.

Exploring the world if you get the chance is one of the best ways to live. I have been to 25 countries and my favourite are Thailand and Spain. They are beautiful places to visit.