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Eldoret man jailed for ‘defiling’ a cow

By Titus Ominde September 12th, 2023 2 min read

A 20-year-old herder who pleaded guilty to having an unnatural act with a cow using a condom has been sentenced to serve a jail term of two years by an Eldoret court.

Billy Kipchumba Koech who appeared before Eldoret Principal Magistrate Caroline Wattimah pleaded guilty to having an unnatural act with an animal contrary to section 162(b) of the penal code.

The charge sheet stated that he committed the offense on September 11, 2023, at Seretio village in Moiben Sub County within Uasin Gishu County.

The prosecution told the court that on the material day, the owner of the cow went to his animal shed after he had a commotion when he found the affected cow’s reproductive organ bleeding.

The owner of the cow told the court that he found a used condom in the cowshed and when the accused was interrogated after he was found with cow dung on his trousers around the front zip area he confessed to having had carnal knowledge with the affected cow.

While appearing before the magistrate the accused pleaded guilty and alleged that he was tempted by the devil to engage the cow in such a heinous act.

In his mitigation, he told the court that he was remorseful for what he did as he asked for forgiveness.

“It is true that I did what I am accused of but it was as a result of a devil of strong sexual lust. I beg this court to forgive me,” he told the court.

While delivering the judgment the magistrate noted that what the accused did to the cow was unfortunate by subjecting the animal in question to strange pain.

“I have heard your mitigation, having considered the evidence produced in court by the prosecution, it has been indicated that the accused person engaged in a sexual act with a cow. Animals should be treated with respect and dignity just as human beings should be. There I proceed to sentence the accused person to serve a jail term sentence of two years, “ruled the Magistrate.

The accused has 14 days to appeal.

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