Here’s Kambua’s advice to women battling infertility
Award-winning gospel singer-songwriter, Kambua Mathu has penned a reassuring message to women who are struggling to get babies.
Kambua’s message is personal as she went through the same experience for years.
In previous posts, Kambua revealed how she was mocked for not bearing a child after her wedding.
“God put you heavy on my heart today because this is a journey I know only too well. A journey of pain, loss, despair, but also, a journey of hope. See the odds were against me too. But God had the final say. All it takes is one move from him,” she wrote.
Kambua’s latest message was also directed to women who after carrying the pregnancy to full term walk home empty-handed after losing their children in the delivery rooms.
“I am thinking about the woman who finally got a miracle conception, heard the heartbeat, and then learned that there was a complication- no more cardiac activity. I am thinking about the woman who went full term, laboured, and brought forth a beautiful baby, perfect, only that they didn’t cry; they didn’t make it to this side of the earth,” she said.
Kambua further advised the women to trust in God as it only takes one move from him to make things right.
“I am thinking about you because sometimes it seems as though nobody does. God put you heavy on my heart today because this is a journey I know only too well. A journey of pain, loss, despair, but also, a journey of hope. See the odds were against me too. But God had the final say. All it takes is one move from him. I pray that you see with the eyes of faith that your miracle is closer than ever. I don’t know how God will do it. Maybe naturally like he did for me, maybe IVF like he’s done for others, maybe through the beautiful path of adoption, or perhaps surrogacy… I don’t know. What I do know is that He is a covenant keeper. And he will keep his promise to you.?,” she ended her post.