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KDF leave Westgate

By Kiarie Njoroge September 26th, 2013 1 min read

Military armoured vehicles left Westgate Mall on Wednesday after combat operations against Al-Shabaab militants came to an end.

Six trucks left at noon followed by other trucks carrying soldiers who have been battling the militants at the mall for four days.

There were light plumes of smoke from the mall in the morning. A Nairobi county fire truck kept moving into and out of the stricken mall.

Interior Cabinet secretary Joseph Ole Lenku said the death toll had so far risen to 67 with the number of injured standing at 280 though the figure could rise.

The area was still under tight police security with businesses remaining closed for the fifth straight day.

Meanwhile, owners of vehicles at nearby buildings were thoroughly scrutinised before they were allowed to pick them. By 2pm about 50 had collected their cars.

Some had however been turned away for lack of necessary documents.

John Olando, the policeman who led the vetting said one was required to produce a driving licence, identity card and the vehicle’s log book. One was then escorted by an officer to get the vehicle.

“In the case the person under whom the car was registered died at the scene, then the other person who wants to collect the vehicle must prove that he is the next of kin and also have the death permit,” said Mr Olando.