Nairobi News


Ruto is now willing to engage with Gen Z on X space

President William Ruto on Sunday night said he was ready to dialogue with Generation Z on Space X before the end of the week.

In a televised joint media interview, the Head of State said he was ready to talk to the youth after a spirited battle that saw the President cave in to their demand to scrap the 2024 Finance Bill.

The youth have been actively protesting against his government’s tax policies and governance issues.

“I am hearing that the young people are saying we don’t want a multisectoral forum, maybe we should have an engagement with the President on X. I am open to having an engagement with the young people on a forum they are comfortable with. If they want me to engage with them on X, I will be there. I want us to discuss taxation, I want us to discuss unemployment, corruption, all issues,” he said during the roundtable interview at State House.

This comes against a backdrop of demands from frustrated youth who insist they are partyless, leaderless and tribeless.

The youths who staged the protests against the 2024 Finance Bill have no known leaders, they have no structure but speak with a coordinated voice and now the President wants them to set up X Space either on Thursday or Friday.

“Tell me who among you will set up the X Space and either Thursday or Friday I will be there. I want us to discuss taxes, unemployment, corruption and all issues,” he said.

On Thursday, they gathered in X Space and rebuffed the president’s calls for engagement with them.

“What engagement is he talking about? We are not interested. Let him be reminded that we are fearless,” said one of the speakers.

On Saturday, President Ruto announced the formation of a National Multi-Sectoral Forum (NMSF) that will include religious organisations among other stakeholders to address the concerns of the youth (Gen Z) who have been the face of anti-government anger.

At the same time, Kenyans living in Washington DC, USA, over the weekend rejected President Ruto’s plans to engage the public through the recently announced National Multi-Sectoral Forum and instead want the Head of State to speak directly to Gen Zs in the country.

They also want the immediate release of all those arrested during nationwide protests against the controversial Finance Bill 2024, which saw demonstrations in 35 of Kenya’s 47 counties.

The group is also demanding the release of the remains of those killed in the Githurai shootout on the night of 25 June, which they claim were taken by the state.