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Sakaja calls for peace as he donates 500 goats to Muslims for Eid celebrations

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja on Sunday joined the Muslim community in Nairobi to mark Eid al-Adha by donating 500 goats for the celebrations.

Handing over the goats to Muslim leaders in Nairobi, the Governor said they would be distributed equally to all mosques in the 17 constituencies.

He urged them to continue living in peace with all communities in the country, adding that he would continue his mission to unite all tribes in the county.

“I am donating these goats to the Muslim community in Nairobi as they celebrate Eid al-Adha and I know that we will continue to be friends as always,” said Governor Sakaja.

He said Eid al-Adha, one of the most important festivals in the Islamic calendar, which falls on the 10th day of the twelfth and final month of Dhu al-Hijja, should extend the community’s generosity by sharing with their neighbours.

Speaking at Uhuru Park during the donation, the Governor urged Nairobi’s leaders to focus on fulfilling promises made to their constituents and shun divisive tribal politics.

The chairman of the Imams and Preachers Council in Nairobi, Sheikh Hassan Ali, commended the governor for his donation and assured him that it would be distributed to all sub-counties as promised.

“We will share this gift not only with all our Muslim brothers and sisters but also with non-Muslims because we don’t celebrate this day only among the Muslim community but also with our neighbours and friends,” said Sheikh Ali.

He was joined by a number of Members of the County Assembly, including Eastleigh North Member Mr Dabar Mohamed and Hashim Kamau of California Ward, among others.

Mr Dabar said Muslims in Nairobi had been working closely with the Governor and that the community would continue to work closely with his administration.

“On behalf of the MCAs, I would like to thank you for your donation and for working with everyone without discrimination. We want to see you lead this county until the residents are tired of you,” said Mr Dabar.

On the newly reopened Uhuru Park, the Governor urged residents to visit the place and enjoy the beautiful scenery, noting that the revamped park provides an opportunity for all Nairobians to celebrate their traditions.