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TikTok ‘LIVE’ introduces new monetization guidelines and educational initiatives

TikTok LIVE is set to roll out new monetisation guidelines and educational initiatives aimed at fostering positive, authentic, and joyful LIVE communities on the platform.

The updated guidelines specify that certain types of content, including inauthentic or low-quality material, will no longer be eligible for earning money on TikTok LIVE.

While the majority of creators already adhere to these standards, those found violating them will be notified and may face restrictions on their access to monetization features.

TikTok’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service will continue to serve as the foundational standards for content allowed on the platform, including LIVE broadcasts.

To offer better support and safely welcome new streamers, TikTok is also revamping its approach to onboarding new LIVE creators.

The platform, known for having some of the industry’s strictest live-streaming requirements, mandates that creators must be at least 18 years old and meet additional criteria to go LIVE.

Newly eligible LIVE creators will now gain access to advanced monetization features in phases, allowing them to learn the rules and guidelines as they grow their audiences.

To further assist creators, TikTok is launching a new LIVE Safety Centre resource and updating its in-app LIVE Safety Education Centre.

These resources will enable creators to view policy violations and access educational content designed to help them maintain a safe and positive environment.

Waseem Sayegh, Head of TikTok LIVE for the Middle East, Turkey, Africa, and Pakistan, emphasised the importance of these updates.

“We believe these updates will empower our LIVE community’s creativity while helping ensure our features promote the positive interactions they’re intended for. The vast majority of LIVE creators already follow our safety rules and Monetization Guidelines, and we’ll continue to build resources, moderation processes, and tools that can help them foster safe, inclusive, and authentic LIVE communities.”

The new guidelines and resources are part of TikTok’s ongoing efforts to support creators while maintaining a secure and engaging platform for users worldwide.