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Uhuru reads riot act to Sonko, CS Macharia

President Uhuru Kenyatta has read the riot act to Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko and Cabinet Secretary for Transport, James Macharia, over transport and infrastructural challenges bedeviling the county.

The president told the two leaders to ensure that there is no repeat of fatalities as a result of flash flood and a poor drainage system in the county.

He termed as unacceptable seeing Nairobi residents stranded in traffic jams while others spending the night in the cold because of poorly maintained roads and unclogged drainage system in the county.

“We cannot continue like this year after year looking at what happened recently following the heavy rains where roads were full of water and people being carried away by flash floods,” President Kenyatta said.

“I now direct my cabinet secretary because you are the one I can give orders to, to work together with Sonko. Next year we do not want to see people being carried away with flash floods because you are unable to open drainage system in Nairobi,” he added.


The president made the remarks on Thursday while commissioning phase two of dual construction of Ngong Road.

His sentiments comes following the death of at least 15 people in the wake of flash floods in different parts of the country. Property running into millions of shilling have also been lost with several families displaced as a result.

The President also directed the two leaders to expedite the commencement of the Bus Rapid Transport project in order to bring an end to the incessant transport issues being experienced by Nairobi residents.

“Nairobi residents are tired of transport and infrastructure issues. You Sonko, you know that we promised them that we will transform their lives if they give us a chance. We want Kenyans to be given a reliable, efficient and affordable means of public transport and that is now your work Macharia working in hand with Sonko in accordance with our pledges to the people of Nairobi,” he said.