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What I never do is stalk my fans. It isn’t cool at all – Nina Ogot

Nina Ogot is an Afro-fusion singer and songwriter. Early this week she warmed up the contemporary Kenyan music scene with the release of a new album titled ‘’

Here is a take on all matters music and life in her own words.

“I weave traditional and contemporary Kenyans sounds with the modern ones with the aim of creating a vibrant pop. That’s my style. is my fourth studio album. It’s a nine-track album. My last album was titled ‘Dala,’ released in 2019.

One of my favourite track on this album is ‘Ugwana’. It takes me back to the time I used to watch veteran Leonard Mambo Mbotela on KBC’s ‘Je Huu ni Ungwana’ segment that was so popular. He questioned the Kenyan society, and I now question social media etiquette.

Unlike ‘Dala’ where I worked with mostly European musicians, I decided to record this fourth album in Nairobi to capture the authentic Kenyan vibe.

‘’ is inspired by my childhood, some memories of my adulthood and highlights of my culture.

I tour abroad a lot, performing, and it is exciting. However, touring can be exhausting – lots of travelling, movement, performances, planning, tight schedules and rehearsals too. It’s all very exciting but contributes largely to the fatigue. In such instances I draw my energy from the beautiful music on stage. It’s the reason for everything.

My favourite instrument is the guitar. I love it more than any other instrument. However, if I were hard-pressed to pick another, it would be a traditional Kenyan instrument like the nzumari.

Other than music, I’m a teacher. However, music is my first love.

The craziest thing that ever happened to me on stage is forgetting the lyrics. It happens sometimes.

What I never do is stalk my fans. It isn’t cool at all.

One country I have been to so many times is Germany. I’m always there because of the performances.

My band has quite several Germans playing my music, which has a lot of Kenyan influence.
mencken indent: No one has ever have ever rain-checked me on a date. There has always been a long queue of suitors waiting to take their turn. I’m a lucky girl.

I prefer mild perfumes that have natural scents. As long as a body spray has these flavours, I would wear it.”

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