Nairobi News

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Billionaire steals power to light palatial mansion

A senior government official from Rift Valley – who has become an instant billionaire – is said to have an illegal electric connection to a site he is constructing a palatial home. The man is said to have hired welding and cutting machines for fabrication of different building materials. The machines have been operating both day and night as the man rushes to complete the home. Sources said the man could be planning for his homecoming ceremony soon.

Expatriate takes off with cash

Owners of a popular Nairobi restaurant are still reeling in shock after one of the senior expatriate staff took off with almost Sh5 million in cash from a safe. The man, who was a supervisor, reportedly accessed the restaurant after closing hours at night by tricking security guards that he had come to collect an order made earlier. After taking the cash, he boarded an early morning flight that he had booked and has not been traced since then. Ironically, the expatriates were employed because the owners of the restaurant did not trust Kenyans in senior positions.

Politician’s love gone sour

The marriage of a senior elected politician has run into trouble that has seen her move out of her matrimonial home bought by her now estranged husband. The woman, who has had a steady rise in her political career, is said to be in a major disagreement with the man credited for financing her campaigns before she made money. The estranged man has since taken away some of the vehicles he bought. Those in their circle say he has since reunited with his former wife whom he left when he married the politician. He recently posed for a photo with his ex-wife at a social event.

Operatives leak secrets

Detectives from a county in Nyanza are silently complaining of interference by operatives allied to a senior government official. According to sleuths, the operatives have penetrated their system and obtained confidential investigation moves which end up in the political WhatsApp groups and other social media pages even before the investigations are concluded. The operatives are said to be using their closeness to the powerful state officer to obtain briefs about cases they have interest in and use the same for political gain. The detectives now want the official to stop his people before it is too late.

Governor with many enemies

Some handlers of a first time governor are increasingly complaining over his controversial personality and deteriorating relationship with other leaders in the region. The county boss is said to have fallen out with virtually all the leaders from the region who he previously had a cordial relationship with. Apart from area MPs, the governor doesn’t see eye to eye with a Cabinet Secretary from the region who serves in a crucial docket. In the recent past, the man has had no kind words for leaders from the county. So bad is the situation that the governor recently snubbed a function presided over by the Cabinet Secretary where the office launched a multimillion-shilling project.

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