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Dagoretti man caught in Sh90,000 fraud

A man accused of borrowing Sh90,000 from a church-mate and failing to pay has been charged with obtaining the cash in false pretences.

Isaac Simiyu was charged with obtaining the money from Salestine Alulela, falsely pretending he intended to use the cash to transport household items to his rural home in Webuye, Bungoma County.

Simiyu is accused of committing the alleged offence on diverse dates between November 21, 2021 and January 8, 2021.

He is said to have gone to Alulela’s house on a Sunday afternoon and told her he wanted to meet his church members to discuss an issue.

He allegedly told them at his house in Dagoretti, Nairobi, that he wanted to resign from employment and that he would be paid service dues of close to Sh3 million.

Simiyu convinced Alulela to lend him money promising to pay in a week’s time and he went on to borrow the cash in different amounts on different dates during the period.

He went to his rural home.

Alulela got his relatives’ contact who informed her that Simiyu was not working anywhere.

He was traced to his home in Webuye where he was arrested and charged with fraud.

Simiyu denied the charges before senior principal magistrate Esther Bhoke of Kibera law courts.

He was released on a surety bond of Sh200,000 and an alternative cash bail of Sh40,000.

The case will be mentioned on February 25.