Declare cancer a national disaster, MP tells Uhuru – VIDEO
Laikipia Woman Representative Catherine Waruguru has appealed to President Uhuru Kenyatta to declare cancer a national disaster. She also wants a Fund to fight the disease established in the country.
Speaking to the media on Monday at her Nanyuki office while mourning the demise of Bomet Governor Joyce Laboso, Ms Waruguru further urrged her colleagues in Parliament to speedily endorse the Cancer Fund Bill 2019 that is meant to help tackle the killer disease.
She called on the National Assembly Committee on Health chaired by Murang’a Woman Representative Sabina Chege to fast-track the Bill and ensure that it sails through the floor of the House.
“I’m urging the Health committee to act quickly on this Bill so that it can be debated by members and approved on the floor of the House,” she said.
“If we truly want to declare cancer a national disaster, there must be commitment from government through funding and programmes that will be elaborate from the grassroots to the National government starting from the early screening detection and prevention to the cancer caregivers.”
She called on the government to allow zero taxes on cancer drugs that have over the years been expensive and allow generic drugs to be sold in the Kenyan health facilities.
In the Bill, Ms Waruguru wants the government to set aside Sh14 billion in the 2020/21 budget that will be helpful to cancer patients through a Cancer Board.
“Nowadays, contracting HIV and AIDs is like contracting flu. But in regards to cancer, we are very far from the truth and reality that the government needs to do something. The President took an oath to protect the lives of Kenyans, it is time to declare cancer a national disaster,” Ms Waruguru said.