Diana Marua reveals ex-partner allowed her to date a ‘sponsor’
Once again, Diana has opened up about her past, prompting mixed reactions from some of her fans who question her openness despite being in another marriage.
In an interview with Dr Ofweneke, Diana revealed that she had been in a relationship with two men at the same time: one living abroad and the other in Kenya.
She revealed that she was receiving financial support from her overseas boyfriend for rent, a situation that her Kenyan boyfriend was apparently comfortable with.
“I once had a boyfriend while dating another man who lived abroad. The overseas boyfriend would send me money and I would inform my local boyfriend that he had sent it.
Surprisingly, he was okay with it and we used the money to pay the rent. When video chatting with the overseas boyfriend, my local partner would discreetly step aside while we flirted, unbeknownst to him”.
Diana and comedian Ofweneke discussed different types of marriage.
This is not the first time Diana has spoken out about her past and caused mixed reactions from her fans.
In the past, Diana said she used to party with friends in different clubs from Thursday to Monday.
Her life was characterised by numerous road trips to different social venues across the country, where her aim was simply to have fun.
In fact, she adds, she never went to church and slept in from Sunday to Monday.
Bahati then jokingly chimes in that he used to pick her up – when they were still dating – from many of her late-night escapades where she would pretend to be sober for him.
“Ofcourse before I met Bahati I was of the world ile proper. I never used to go to church. My life used to start on Thursday halafu tunamaliza (then we would finish off on) Monday hapo ndio tunatoa (that is when we would remove our) high heels. The whole weekend road trips, twende Naivasha, tuingie town ingine turudi (we then travel to another town then return home),” she said.
Diana also admitted to dating numerous wealthy men in the past to ensure financial stability.
“I used to date guys for money at some point in my life because I lacked my whole life to a point where all I wanted was a good life.”
Bahati and Diana have built their brand by letting their fans into their lives.
“All I wanted was a good life. I used to date guys for money I had people who used to give me money, I used to date someone who used to pay my rent, nilikuwa na mtu wa kunifanyai shopping ya nyumba, nilikuwa na mtu wa kuni buyia manguo (I had someone to pay for my house shopping for me, I had someone to buy clothes for me)…”
Adding, “Money has never been a problem for me. I do not want to brag but let me tell you something even Baha akini meet (when he first met me) and we used to hang out, when we meet today I have this car, we meet tomorrow, a different one, next week, every other day I have another car, and one day Baha asked me hizi magari una toanga wapi (where do you get these cars). At that time we did not know each other that well.”