Embu aspirants accused of engaging in witchcraft to win 2017 elections
Embu Woman Representative Rose Mitaru has accused some of her colleagues of using witchcraft to boost their chances of winning next year’s elections.
She claims politicians, both incumbents and aspirants, were frequenting witchcraft and sorcery dens seeking popularity and protection during the electioneering period.
Speaking on the sidelines of a fundraiser at Kairuri Catholic church, Ms Mitaru said some well known politicians were visiting a black magic homestead early morning to get powers to woo voters.
She regretted that these are the same people who visit churches and proclaim their love for the gospel and even participate in numerous church activities.
Ms Mitaru, an ordained ACK deacon, said she would be naming the politicians saying they could bring a curse to the county.
“There are those seeking MCA, MP and county seats who are visiting wizards to have an edge over their rivals. Every Sunday, they frequent the place early morning to get the magical powers. They also go to church to get anointing and extra powers,” she said.
Two weeks ago, the clergy in Embu vowed to excommunicate any politician who visits wizards, saying the trend is worrying.
The bishops, under the auspices of the Embu Bishops and Pastors Fellowship, stated that it was in public domain that some politicians seek services of renowned witch doctors, which is against Biblical teachings.
The more than 15 clergymen who were led by their Chairman Bishop Silvanus Njeru of the Full Gospel Churches of Kenya said wizards were set to make a killing from the imminent boom in their business, since Embu politicians were notorious for witchcraft to boost their political strength by wooing more voters to their camps.